Mental Health For Children

Children’s social and emotional health is as important as their physical health.

Good mental health for young children means they can experience and express their feelings and understand the feelings of others. They are able to form stable and nurturing relationships with adults and feel secure enough to explore their environment and to learn. A child who is socially and emotionally healthy is able to develop relationships with other children and learn to be part of a group.

Parents can help social and emotional development by learning to understand the cues to what their child might be thinking or feeling. Mental health services that are appropriate for children are available when parents or other caregivers feel a child is having social or emotional difficulties.

  • The Kid Connects Warm Line offers brief phone or on-site consultation to parents, providers or community partners regarding the concerning or challenging behavior of children aged birth through 5 years.
  • Click here for more information on how to support your child’s social and emotional development.
  • Click here to visit Let’s Talk Colorado focusing on how to talk and stop the stigma of mental illness.
  • Mental Health Partners Service Locations: July 2020